[Setting: Hunan Szechuan Empire Gourmet Palace]
[Amnesiac Girl and I are looking at menus]
Me: You probably don't remember this, but Chinese food is like the cutting edge of the food culture right now. And this place is the epicenter of it all!
Amnesiac Girl: Wow - good thing I have you to take me to the hot places
[Waitress approaches our table]
Me: Hi, we're splitting everything. We'd like to have the e-egg drooop soup to start. Am I saying that right?
Waitress: Ees egg drop soup
Me: And this one is Ch-chicken with brickoli?
Waitress: Ees Broccoli. Thas it?
[I nod]
[Waitress walks away]
Me: Seriously it is like impossible to keep track of all these new cuisines
Amnesiac Girl: But somehow you do it!
[I wave the "stop, stop - too much" motion]