Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Let us Mourn and Pray

Friends, as many of you may know, we lost someone very near and dear to our hearts two nights ago. He fought a valiant effort toward the end and almost pulled through, but ultimately he did not make it. It is always difficult to lose someone close to you. Especially someone with such a warm heart, a compassionate soul who did so much to help so many people. But we here at Delino are doing our best to try to cope with the grief and sadness over the demise of The Republican Majority in Congress, or TRMiC, as he always liked to be called.

For those of you in the New York and Miami areas, Dan's and Tom's conservative parents will be sitting shiva in those two cities. In lieu of flowers, please send money to Exxon-Mobil. It is a sad day, but Kacha HaChayim, such is life. If you would like to organize your own shiva, we encourage you to do so- TRMiC would have wanted it that way. For your use, here is the traditional Jewish prayer to be recited at sundown the day after the Republicans lose the Majority in Congress.

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