Sunday, May 01, 2005

First Lady Rips off my story

Above is Laura Bush telling my story about farting in class at the White House Correspondents' Association dinner to a rapturous audience of President Bush and Some Other Guy. On the one hand, I'm flattered that Laura reads delinodeshields. On the other hand, I'm pissed that she didn't give a shout-out or even footnote it (Berger, Daniel and Congdon, Jason. New Perspectives on Bulldog Burrito and other Short Stories. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2005.) I will have to talk to my peripheral acquaintance Barbara about this matter.

1 comment:


Schiavo, schiavo, schiavo, cuntrag, schiavo, schiavo, schiavo, bitch, schiavo, schiavo, schiavo, first lady, schiavo, schiavo, schiavo, schiavo, schiavo, schiavo, schiavo, schiavo, married to an asshole, schiavo, schiavo, schiavo, schiavo, schiavo, schiavo, fuck her I hope she dies, schiavo, schiavo, schiavo.