Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Sharon is STILL the New Schiavo

I can't remember who first coined the phrase "Sharon is the New Schiavo," but props to him or her. Because, despite not hearing a PEEP about this from the mainstream media, Ariel Sharon is STILL in a Persistent Vegitative State. But apparently Bill Frist, after looking at the doctored photo below, has determined that Sharon is not in a PVS. In any case, it is agreed upon by all medical experts that Sharon has special needs to keep him alive, so instead of the standard intravenous nourishment, he is being fed a steady diet of Cheeseburgers and Palestinian babies (see below):


Beneficent Allah said...


Nostradamus said...

You know, not even the news of Bobby Schindler campaigning with Brownback could get my ire up enough to post about Schiavo of late... Thanks for this pressing reminder.

mr. wrongway said...

that photo makes me hottt.
My word verification is azteq...My AN.

Eric said...