Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Carbo-Terrorists Strike Again!

Following up on BBC's crack reporting on Carbo-Terrorists in Iraq, it seems that even though we're fighting them over there, they've followed us over here! It appears that some of the more technically oriented Carbo-Terrorists (perhaps acolytes of Pakistan's A.Q. Carb?) have hacked into the FDA's website and created this shocking Food Pyramid aimed at small children- at SMALL CHILDREN, have they no honor at all! I'm told this is so filled with disinformation propaganda that even Al Jazeera would not show it, but since I don't have any Qatar-ese petrobillionaires looking over my shoulder, here it is:


Arlo Harshenstein said...

Cough... (awkward silence lasting forever)

mr. wrongway said...

I kinda liked it. (And I'll do anything to change eternity).

Mulatto Jesus said...

Shame on them.