Thursday, October 27, 2005

Planning the trip to Vegas

Yes, we leave today. Here is our guide.

An excerpt:

Q: Where can I combine my two favorite activities -- gambling and eating?
Korean Surprise: A: any casino you idiot


Anonymous said...

Rich, I must admit, I am a little disappointed by your lack of coverage on the whole Sheryl Swoopes - Lesbian Plamegate scandal. I mean, considering your high lesbian readership numbers, (ie Molly, Stephanie, Katie DeFUCKINGENORMOUSTITS) I would have atleast expected a small mention about it.

Anonymous said...

come on guys, these comments are getting inappropriate. i know for a fact that katie defuckingenormoustits is not a lesbian.

Actual God said...

That wasn't me.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, these imposters are getting to be a real problem.

Anonymous said...

I am responsible for all of these fake posts. Please don't retaliate with flames.

Anonymous said...